Disaster Chapter 4

We lost the beast. I thought it would be easy for our crews to find him considering that he was so different. The red skin, the horns and loin cloth surely someone would have seen him but once he went to the roof tops we lost him.

This can’t be allowed I have no idea what kind of damage he could do to our ecosystem or what kind of damage it could do to him.For all I know even our water could be poisonous to him.

It also would have been nice to at least get some tissue samples so that I could study his DNA and see how closely it resembled that of our universe. What a find and presentation that would have been! If only we could some how learn each others language.

We did make the portal much much smaller so that nothing more then the size of a moth can get through while we try to adjust the settings and see why it pulled him through. Hindsight is always a good teacher too bad she can’t let you know before hand.  It acted like a mini black hole and it should not have. My calculations said that it should have acted like a doorway a bubble of sorts. I do not know what I did wrong. I hope my team can find some answers. I ,for now, am going home to have a few beers and get some sleep.

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I am a fan of Marvel and Whiplash the villain. I think more could have been done with his character. I also think he would make a great hero.

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